You're Mine: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance Page 13
But instead of answering, I merely press my lips to his. This man is the answer to my longing, and I want him in my life. We had a difficult beginning because my father threatened and bullied, and even succeeded in driving us apart. But that was then, and this is now. I won’t be stuck in the past, and with Jace by my side, happiness blooms in my heart to last forevermore.
Epilogue 1
I hold up the keys to the old red truck, jingling them. Haley looks a little confused, but then understanding passes over her face. She starts bouncing up and down before swiping the keys from me.
“Really? You mean it?”
“Oh yeah sweetheart. It’s your time to drive.”
She squeals and then jumps on me, almost knocking me over.
“Calm down, baby,” I laugh. “There’s plenty of time.”
Time is something that the two of us never had before, but now an eternity stretches before us, and I’m grateful. Who knew I’d get this lucky with a son and a beautiful woman on my arm? Haley squeals again, almost bouncing on the tip of her toes.
“So, I can just get into the driver’s seat?” I give her a nod, and she takes off like a rocket. When she notices I’m not following, she turns back around and beckons me. “Come on, slow poke!”
I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into, but it’s too late to turn back.
My girl and I are in the truck, and she inserts the key in the ignition. Her hands are on the wheel and she’s still practically vibrating with excitement. I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing.
“I know you don’t have a driver’s license back in South Carolina, but you know something about driver’s ed, right?”
“Nope,” she answers cheerily. “Nothing at all.”
Uh oh, this is starting to feel like more of a bad choice.
“Okay, okay. So before you take the truck out of park, you’re gonna want to put your foot, lightly, on the brakes. This way we don’t end up rolling if there’s any kind of incline.”
Haley puts her foot on the brake and goes into drive.
“Just ease forward slowly. We’re going to turn down the road just off the driveway. It goes through my property, so you won’t have to worry about other cars.” Haley lets go of the brakes, but then pushes on the accelerator a little too quickly. The car lurches forward and she screams.
“Don’t freak out, it’s okay. Just be gentle with it.” Haley tries again, and this time, we slowly start moving forward. She gets us to the off-road, and we keep moving. The further we get, the more confident she becomes.
There are a few ‘Jesus Christ’ moments, I’ll admit. It’s not that I’m afraid I’m going to die, it’s more that I’m in awe of the woman Haley’s become, not to mention her natural eagerness at the wheel.
“Should I just keep going straight?”
“You can do whatever, but be careful, okay?” My hand rests on the parking brake, just in case. I trust my girlfriend, but watching her drive is going to take some getting used to.
We’ve gotten pretty far from the house when Haley finally stops the car.
“Make sure it’s in park.” She moves the gear shift back to ‘P’ and turns the car off.
“Did I do a good job?”
“For your first time, yeah. You did pretty well.” Actually, given that this was Haley’s first time driving ever, I have to give her her props.
She claps with excitement.
“When can I do it again?” Wow, she really wants to move fast.
“Well, the truck typically stays in Connecticut, and I don’t know when we’ll be back, but that’s okay. I also keep a car in the city, so we can practice there as well.”
Her eyes go wide.
“I don’t want to drive in Manhttan. There are way too many people, not to mention bikes and other cars.” Totally get it. Handling a car in New York could give anyone a heart attack.
“We can practice in some more remote places, so you don’t have to worry about Manhattan. But you will need to get a permit. You’ll like driving, sweetheart. Don’t worry.” It shouldn’t be hard to get Haley in for testing, and I bet she’ll be good to go within a week.
We rest against the seats momentarily, looking out at the sky. I take her hand in mine, playing with her soft fingers. I can’t help but remember the last time we were in this truck together.
“I know exactly what you’re thinking,” she whispers.
“And what’s that?”
“Our last night together, right here in the bed of your truck. I remember it well.”
“You do?” She nods before smiling coyly.
“Honestly I couldn’t believe I asked for that. I also thought you were going to flat out refuse.” Flat out refuse her sexy body? Not by a long shot.
“Why would you think I’d say no?”
She sighs, still holding my hand.
“You were always so much more experienced than me, and I figured you might want someone who knew her body better. I was just a clumsy virgin, remember?”
“Baby girl, you handle me perfectly. You were perfect in every way. And I mean that.”
Her gaze goes coy again.
“Why, thank you cowboy. Those words warm my heart.”
Peering out the window, she looks around.
“Do a lot of people come down this road, walking or otherwise?”
I shake my head.
“No, it’s pretty quiet out here.”
“Good, then push your seat all the way back.” I furrow my brow, not sure what she’s planning, but do what’s asked of me.
Haley moves from her seat over to mine, before she scoots down between my thighs and crouches down between my legs. Good thing this truck is big because it’s obvious what’s about to happen.
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to.” But Haley completely ignores me, unbuckling my belt.
“Last night,” she begins, “I told you that I wanted to make you feel good.”
I chuckle hoarsely.
“Considering that you drained my balls completely dry, I’d say that you made me feel very good.” She stops moving and rolls her eyes.
“I know that Jace, but you’re not going to talk me out of sucking your cock, unless you don’t want me to?” Her eyebrow arches, challenging me. That is the dirtiest thing I have ever heard Haley say without prompting, and my dick jerks reflexively.
“Like hell I don’t. Suck away sweetheart.” It’s about time I stop trying to fight the sweetness that’s my girlfriend.
Haley goes back to taking off my pants, revealing my ten inch erection. It’s already hard as a rock, purple with lust, and dripping from the tip.
“Oh yum,” she murmurs before lowering her head and swiping her tongue across the top. “Tastes good,” she moans, savoring the little spurt of cum on her lips.
I almost lose it right there, but Haley’s a dirty one and she looks up at me innocently.
“Would you like it if I tongued your balls?” Holy shit. Is she for real?
“Yes, sweetheart, why don’t you lick them a little?” Oh god. I’ve never had a woman actually ask beforehand. Usually, it leads to them being way too rough and kind of ruining the entire blowjob, but when Haley’s tongue softly caresses my sacks, Jesus Christ. I just about see stars.
“Oh fuck, baby.” She keeps going as my shaft hardens, growing to a massive size. She moves from my balls to the base of my shaft, circling the circumference with her tongue. Semen’s leaking from the tip in a steady stream, causing my dick to glisten in the sun, and with a giggle, she uses her thumb to spread it around before wrapping her lips around the whole thing. Oh shit, that feels good.
“Keep going, baby. Keep going.” She hums, sending vibrations all the way up my body. I wrap my hands in her hair, pulling it up and down to show her the rhythm I like. Then the beautiful girl hollows her cheeks, sucking every last drop of life out of me.
I grab on to the door handle, gripping it with white knuckles. My muscles tense
until the last second when a stream of cum spills out of my cock and into Haley’s mouth. She does her best to swallow, but so much shoots out that it escapes from her lips, dripping down her chin wetly.
“Oh fuck, baby!” is my delirious cry. She doesn’t even look up, busy gulping away with soft moans of pleasure.
When I finally finish ejaculating, I relax into my seat, letting out a long breath of air. Haley takes her mouth off of me and does her best to clean up a bit. Her chin and cheeks are smeared with semen, but my little girl is dirty. She licks as much as possible, her pink tongue darting out with hungry strokes.
“Oh shit, sweetheart. I’m so lucky to have you.” Haley climbs up my body like a cat, bringing her lips to mine.
“You’re so gorgeous Jace, and I promise I’m going to make you come again.” I have to smile at my girlfriend’s boldness. Clearly, we both have our minds in the gutter.
“Baby, how did I get so lucky?” I growl before pressing another kiss to her cheek. She giggles with lights dancing in her eyes.
“I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that you’re irresistible, then and now? Come on, cowboy. Let’s get back to the house, so we can clean ourselves up. Our son’s waiting.”
Oh shit, she’s right. Jamie must be wondering where his parents are. He’s our son, and the thought makes my heart grow full to almost bursting. Haley smiles sweetly at me.
“Do you want to drive or should I?”
I shake my head. I want to get home in one piece to see my son.
“I’ll take the wheel, sweetheart.” I get out of the passenger side, so Haley can curl up in it, and let myself into the driver’s side. Starting the car, I turn the truck around and soon, we’re back at the house. There doesn’t appear to be anyone around because they’re probably still at the park, so we head to the master bedroom to clean up.
In the shower, we touch and kiss, soaping each other down with giggles and earthy moans. Her body is slick, smooth, and everything I’ve ever dreamed of.
“I love these,” I murmur, tracing the stretch lines on her tummy and buttocks.
She blushes.
“You don’t think they look bad?” she murmurs, staring down at the silvery-white lines. “I can get them removed with laser.” I catch the beautiful girl in my arms and press my lips to hers, worshiping the woman that I adore.
“No sweetheart,” is my growl. “Those are proof that you had a baby. Our baby. And they’re also proof of the incredible woman you’ve become.”
Her eyes fill with tears.
“I love you, Jace.”
This time, I can’t even speak the words. Our love sounds out loud in the bathroom, ringing throughout the tiled space, and I thank my lucky stars again and again that this woman is mine.
It’s night, and Haley and I are lying companionably in bed together. Today went over better than I could possibly expect. I wasn’t sure if the gestures were too grand and would come off as trying to ‘buy’ her love, but it seems like things have worked out. My girl grins cheekily at me.
“I really like Maya. She seems nice, and it looks like Elena and Jamie had a fun time.” I’m happy my family got on so well with my friends. I know it’s kind of weird to consider your employees your friends, but this Connecticut home is really the only place that feels untouched by my own bullshit. When I come here, there’s a sense of peace.
“Yeah, they’re amazing. They make you feel like family.” Haley cuddles closer to me, resting on my chest. I wrap my arm around her, softly placing my chin in her hair.
“We’re going to need to figure out what to do with Jamie,” she murmurs. I hold her tight.
“What do you mean?”
Haley sighs.
“Well, I’ve been homeschooling him, and I thought I could possibly finish out the year, but seeing how much fun he had with Elena, maybe he should start going to a regular school sooner? He’s never had a chance to interact with kids his own age and I don’t want to deprive him anymore.”
She’s right, and there are probably going to be a lot of different little things we’ll need to adjust once everyone’s situated. I nod.
“We can get the process started when we get back. I think he’ll have a great time at school. You’ve worked hard, sweetheart, and were a wonderful teacher. I completely understand if you want him socialized though.”
She nods.
“It’s just crazy, you know? With Herb being the way he is, he didn’t want our son to go out in Lenville. It was like he was ashamed of us, and we were his dirty secret,” she says in a quiet voice, looking down.
I tilt her chin up.
“You’re nobody’s dirty secret, least of all mine. I’m going to stand on the rooftops and proclaim that the two of you belong with me. I want everyone to hear it, and I want everyone to know that we’re a trio. You got that, Haley? Your dad was a complete asshole, and I only wish I got you out of there sooner.”
She smiles a little sadly.
“I know, Jace. I also wish things happened a little faster for us, but later is better than never, right? I love you,” she says, laying her head on my chest. “We’ll figure this out, no matter what.”
And Haley’s right. School, her dad, and all that are merely distractions now. What’s important is our son, and our life together. After all, we were separated for seven long years, and I’m never going to let that happen again. Long ago, I let myself be intimidated by a man who was nothing but a bully. He was a vicious animal with a fear of being wrong, and he took it out on his family to make himself feel better.
But Haley and I endured. We stayed true to one another despite the separation, and even time couldn’t pull us apart. As a result, I have everything I want with this woman, and will never let her, or our son go, again.
Haley’s still asleep in the bedroom, but that’s no problem because I’m a pro at getting Jamie ready for school now. After our quick trip to Connecticut, we were able to get him into a school pretty easily considering it was the middle of the year. Sure, it took the little guy some time to get used to waking up so early, but he got into the groove of things, and now after a few months, he’s up before me most of the time.
I peek into his room, but my son’s not there. I hear some splashing in his bathroom and find Jamie already brushing his teeth.
“Hey, space cowboy! What time did you get up this morning?”
He grins at me, showing a mouthful of bubbles.
“Six thirty!”
“Darn,” I click my tongue. “You beat me again.” He shakes his head, giggling. “When you’re done in here, I’ll see you in the kitchen?”
“Okay,” he says. “Lucky Charms!”
I laugh. “No, your mom doesn’t like you to eat the sugary stuff, so we’re having Cheerios.”
He frowns, but I merely press a kiss to his head and head downstairs. I’m so lucky to have a son. Imagine if I hadn’t gone back to Lenville. I never would have known what awaited me, and discovered the gift that is my child.
I head to the kitchen to get his lunch ready. Today is a sandwich day, so I get that into his lunchbox along with some chips, fruit snacks, and a juice.
I place the cereal and milk on the table for his breakfast, along with a bowl and spoon. It’s Honey Nut Cheerios today. Sorry kid, no marshmallows.
Jamie shows up in the kitchen, all dressed with his backpack in tow. He’s been on a mission to pour his own milk every morning, but that’s meant many spills and clean-ups. Fortunately, we’ve been on an upward swing lately and he’s managed to pour most of the milk without too many mishaps in the last week.
I don’t watch him because he hates that, and says it throws off his mojo. So I pretend to be preoccupied while he lifts the milk carton with trembling hands. Some sloshing ensues, and I wince a little.
“Yes!” Jamie whispers. “You can turn around, Daddy.” The moniker gets my heart thumping, and I whip around to see my son sitting there happily, beaming at his accomplishment.
eat job space cowboy!” There are no spots of milk, and I high-five him and then leave him to eat his breakfast. I do a quick check in on Haley, but she’s still asleep. She’s been sleeping in a lot more lately, and it’s made me start wondering. I wonder if there’s something else going on.
But now’s not the time because my son needs to get to school. I go back to the kitchen, and Jamie’s almost done with his cereal. Good. I put his lunch box in his backpack for him and wait until he finishes, and then we head out the door to catch the bus.
Fortunately, the big yellow school bus rolls up, and I give Jamie one last high five before pressing a kiss to his head. I’m so lucky to have him, and can’t believe this is my life now.
But now, his mom. Going back into the penthouse, there are no signs that Haley’s up yet, so I go to my secret hiding spot where I’ve hidden a very special ring. It’s in Jamie’s bathroom, behind the extra toothpaste in the medicine cabinet. The ring box is a purple plush velvet, with a huge sparkler inside. I snap it open, and the light zings around my eyeballs. God, I hope Haley likes it.
I slip the ring into my pocket and then stealthily return to the bedroom. Uh oh, she’s still sleeping. Why is she so tired recently? Maybe it’s just the change in lifestyle. Then again, it’s been a couple months since I got them out of Lenville, but maybe it takes longer than that to adapt.
Meanwhile, I head to the home gym for a hard work out. It tires me out, but also allows my mind to wander. Unbidden, my mind goes to the families we were born into. Ever since I left Lenville, I haven’t spoken to mine at all. My dad tried to contact me once, but I made sure to shut that down right away. He hasn’t overcome his addiction, and while I understand that it’s a disease, I simply can’t subject myself to that right now. Not when I have a new family.