You're Mine: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance Page 12
That startles me into action.
“Yes, of course.” I get up from my seat and grab a plate for myself. Meanwhile, Jace also helps himself, and the three of us sit at the table to have our first family breakfast. Jamie gobbles everything down and is up for seconds like a lightning bolt. Meanwhile, I’m working on my first pancake and it’s absolutely delicious.
“I didn’t know you were such a good cook,” I say shyly.
Jace grins, his fork midway to his mouth.
“I used to have to make meals for my family all the time. My mom was always working, and my dad was … well, he was my dad. I couldn’t count on him for anything, and so I had to learn to cook.”
I put my hand on his, remembering my encounter with Jace’s dad so long ago. The guy was a drunk, and my heart breaks at the thought of a little boy forced to make dinner for himself. Meanwhile, Jamie comes back to the table with another full plate and sits down with a smile, oblivious to the sad memories.
“What are we going to do today?” he chirps.
I smile through my tears and try to look happy.
“I don’t know, baby, because I’ve never been to New York before. Jace, what do you recommend?”
My man smiles, gripping my hand in his.
“Well,” Jace starts, “I have a little surprise, one for you, and one for Mommy. After breakfast, we can all get dressed and head out if that’s okay?”
My eyes fly to his. When did Jace have time to get a surprise put together? The curiosity bug bites, and suddenly, I want to know what he has in store for us.
“Yeah, that sounds like fun!” cheers Jamie. His father grins.
“Great, we’re going to be heading to Connecticut which will be a bit of a drive. We’ll probably have to spend the night up there, but don’t worry because I called ahead and had the staff buy some stuff for my house up there.”
Again, I’m totally stunned. How many houses does Jace have?
“It must be hard to keep track of all the different places you live,” I say in a quiet voice. Jace merely nods.
“It’s nothing, sweetheart. All of that stuff meant nothing because until I had you and Jamie to share these experiences with, they were just things. But with you, they become meaningful. That’s what you and our son do for me,” he says in a low voice.
Again, I turn tear-stained eyes to his.
“Really,” he says in a rumble before squeezing my hand again. “Come on, Jamie, let’s get packed and then get rolling!” I laugh a little bit. After twenty-five years of being stuck in Lenville, I’m doing a huge amount of travel.
“Do you want to go to Connecticut?” I ask Jamie.
“Yeah!” he exclaims. Of course, there’s syrup all over his face. He always makes a mess, no matter what he’s eating. That must be his extra special skill. “What’s Con… Con…”
“Connecticut? It’s the state right next to New York. That’s where we are right now.”
“No more South Carolina?” he asks, cocking his head.
I meet his eyes.
“No more, and never again, sweetheart. We’re never going back.”
Fortunately, my son doesn’t question this. It’s as if he knows it’s for the best on some child-like level, and accepts it for what it is. We finish eating, and I take Jamie to the bathroom so the two of us can get cleaned up. I wipe all the syrup from his face and get as much of the flour I can out of his hair. He’ll probably need a shower soon, but it’s okay. I still can’t believe Jace just threw flour all over us, and it was fun. We haven’t relaxed in so long, and I want my son to feel like he has the freedom to be goofy and to explore.
I take Jamie’s dirty clothes and send him to his room to get dressed before taking care of myself next. Washing my face and taking a quick swipe through my hair, I get as clean as possible and then wander back to Jace’s room to get some clothes. The duffle bag I packed is still there, and I rummage through it before giving up. We didn’t bring many outfits, and hopefully what I have is enough.
But clothes don’t really matter, not when we finally have our freedom. I throw on some comfortable jeans and a plain black t-shirt, trying futilely to smooth my hair when the door opens and Jace walks in. He’s still a floury mess.
“Hey.” His hair is tousled, some of it falling into his eyes, and yet he’s still so rakishly handsome. He starts to walk over to me, and I’m ready to sink into him, but then I remember I’m all cleaned off while he’s still covered in white dust.
“Wait! You’re dirty!” I squeal. If any of the flour gets on my black shirt, it’ll be nearly impossible to get it off without actually washing it.
“Oh really? But you like getting dirty, my slutty little girl,” he growls suggestively. He’s right. I love being with him, and my eyes round as I figure out his next move. He’s going to smear his mess all over me.
“Oh, no you will not make me all messy. I will not allow it.”
“I won’t?” He takes a sudden step towards me. I step back, panting with laughter.
But then he merely laughs.
“Oh, I’m just playing with you, sweetheart. We need to get to Connecticut.” He messes with my hair before heading into the bathroom, and I sit on the bed while I wait for him. The water runs, and I hear him puttering about. It’s sweet really. I never thought we’d be so familiar that I’d know his personal sounds.
When he steps out, he’s refreshed and wearing only his boxers. I sit up alert and turned on, and he looks back at me with hooded eyes.
“Oh, baby, we don’t have time for that,” he growls.
I pout, disappointed, but he’s right.
“We’ll have plenty of time for that later. For now, let’s get out of here.” We collect Jamie and all three of us head to the parking garage connected to the hotel. Jace takes us to his car, another sleek black one, and we all pile in.
“I had one of my guys pick up a car seat. Is it the right size?” he asks, twisting to face us.
“Yep,” I smile. I strap Jamie in and we start on our journey. The drive out of Manhattan itself is stressful because there are so many people beeping and yelling. I don’t know how anyone manages to not have a mini-breakdown every day.
But I’m grateful to be here because it means we’re no longer near Herb, and that’s what matters. Pretty soon we’re out of there and on the road to Connecticut. I feel my eyes drifting shut. Jamie and Jace are talking about something, but I can’t quite make it out because I’m so tired. I guess all those sleepless nights are finally catching up with me.
An image of my dad flashes into my mind right before I lose consciousness, and it fills me with fear. But then I hear Jace’s low rumble next to me, and relief floods me. I’m okay now. I have my son and my man, and we’re going to be just fine.
I wake up and we’re in the middle of suburbia. It’s actually a lot like where I lived in Lenville. We drive by mansion after mansion, all of them set on vast estates with lots of trees and abundant foliage.
“Are we almost there?” I look to the back seat, and our kid’s fast asleep. Looks like Jamie’s late nights are catching up to him too.
“Yeah, just a few more streets.” I wonder why Jace has a house out here. Why would he need another property? It’s a lot for one person. He shoots me a lopsided smile, reading my mind.
“To tell you the truth, I don’t get out here much. Many people I know come out here with their families, and I got caught up in keeping up with the Joneses. They bought a house, and so I felt like I had to do the same. It’s a status symbol, and there’s a lot of one-upmanship in Manhattan.”
“But Jace, you have so much already.”
He sighs.
“I know, and I appreciate it. But now, it actually means something. With you and Jamie here, these homes aren’t just trophies anymore, but actually a home. That’s what you mean to me.”
I squeeze his hand, my
heart beating in my throat.
“Then I’m excited to see it.” And I really am.
We drive for another couple of minutes before pulling into an estate.
“Well, here we are. Most of the staff who work here, live here too. Since I rarely make it out, I want someone to get use of the house.”
Sure enough, there’s someone waiting for us at the door. It’s an elderly man dressed in jeans and a flannel, and he steps forward to greet Jace.
“Mr. King, it’s so good to see you,” he says cheerfully.
“Roberto!” Jace slaps him on the back. Jamie and I tumble out from the car and Roberto comes over to shake my hand. My son hides behind my legs because he’s not used to meeting so many new people. Again, my heart contracts. Back in Lenville, we only had each other, but now that we’re in the real world, my son will get a chance to meet new people like a normal person.
“I’d like you to meet Haley, my girlfriend, and Jamie, my son.”
The words take me by surprise. Am I really Jace’s girlfriend? Somehow, the term seems strange, but I guess I am. Roberto looks just as surprised. Frankly, I would be too if the man I worked for suddenly came back with a whole family.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you folks. I can take your car and park it. A few of my workmen are finishing up installing the equipment you asked for on the south lawn, and I’ve situated that other thing you asked for.” These must be the surprises Jace was talking about. What could they be? Jace merely grins.
“Thanks so much Roberto. I’ll see you and your family in a bit.” They do one of those quick man hugs, and then Jace takes us inside. “Let me show you guys the house.”
The mansion is beautiful. It feels completely different from Jace’s place in the city because this home is done up with a rustic feel. Colorful throws decorate the couches, and a roaring fire sparks from the middle of the room.
“Oh Mommy look!” squeals Jamie, immediately running forwards. Fortunately, I stop him in time.
“Sweetheart, this is hot. You have to be careful.”
My son nods, and I give him a hug. Jace interrupts.
“Let’s make s’mores,” he says jovially. “You want to do that, Jamie?”
Our son nods, his eyes wide.
“Definitely, Daddy.”
Again, the word tugs at my heart. This feeling of being a family is so natural, but will it continue?
Finally, when we’re all settled in front of the fire, I turn to Jace.
“Did you bring us here because you want us to live here?” I ask in a low voice. There are a lot of things to figure out that I’m back together with Jace. I want to live with him, but maybe, since the relationship is so new, he’d like us to be apart for a little bit.
But the handsome man shakes his head.
“That’s not it. My work’s in New York, and I don’t have a lot of reasons to come to Connecticut. It’s more of a weekend place, so I want you in New York with me. Both of you.” My smile widens so much it hurts. “We can talk about the details, but I do want to be as close to the two of you possible.”
My eyes fill with tears.
“I want the same thing.”
Jace smiles at me and then kneels down in front of Jamie.
“Why don’t I take you to your surprise now?” My son nods and lets Jace pick him up. I walk behind them as they talk in whispered tones, their ink-black heads close. I want to know what they’re saying, but it’s such a father/son moment, that I don’t dare interrupt it.
We get outside and Jace heads down the lawn. The land is beautiful, with towering oaks and dandelion lawns. My dad’s home was carefully manicured, but it had no heart. Here, there’s a wildness that’s beyond gorgeous.
“Okay, before we get to the surprise, I need to cover your eyes. Cool, space cowboy?” I love the nickname Jace has come up with for Jamie. I was surprised when we were both calling him little dude because it felt like a coincidence of cosmic levels. But I like the idea of each of his parents having their individual nicknames for him.
“Yeah, I want to see it!” my son giggles.
“Okay. Mom, I’m going to need your help. Can you cover his eyes?”
I come up behind Jamie and shield his gaze with my hands. Walking is a little awkward from here, but we make it work.
We get close enough for me to see what Jace has planned. There’s a family waiting in front of a playground with a jungle gym, trampoline, and a slide. It’s a child’s dream play area.
Everyone’s whispering. This must be Roberto’s family. I see his wife and three kids: two older boys, one maybe in high school or college and the other maybe a young teen, and a little girl about Jamie’s age.
“Can I look now?” Jamie yells.
“Yeah, yeah. Let the little guy see.” I remove my hands. Jamie looks around, his eyes wide.
“Whoa,” he wiggles until Jace lets him down and runs over to inspect the entire play area. The only thing he had before was the trampoline back in South Carolina. He loved it, but there wasn’t much else to do because Herb was so controlling. Most of the time, we even had to be quiet when jumping up and down.
“You can play here whenever we’re in Connecticut. We’re also having a treehouse built, but that might take some time. Hopefully, the next time we come up, it’ll be done.”
How did Jace manage so much in such a short amount of time? We’ve only been back for barely a day, but he’s already made room for Jamie and me in his life. Somehow, I know he was planning this. He had a vision of me and our son, and made it happen despite all the obstacles.
Jamie whoops and prances around the playground like a wild animal before finally noticing the little girl with Roberto. This is the first child he’s meeting in his life, and I watch anxiously. He claps his hands in front of him, rocking back and forth.
“Hi, I’m Elena.” She’s so quiet, I almost miss what she says.
Fortunately, my son is carefree and easy.
“My name’s Jamie. Do you want to play?” She nods, and the two of them run off to try out all the stuff Jace bought. I go to my man and hug him tightly.
“Thank you,” is my whisper. “This means so much to us.”
He pulls me close, pressing a kiss to the crown of my head.
“No problem. I wanted to make my son as happy as possible.”
Suddenly, a female voice interrupts us.
“Hello.” I turn and see Roberto’s wife, who’s a kindly looking middle-aged woman. She has long greying hair tied in a braid, and a red carnation stuck behind one ear. I let go of Jace and hold out my hand in greeting.
“Hi, I’m Haley.”
She smiles, grasping my hand with hers.
“I’m Maya, Roberto’s wife. It’s so nice to meet you.”
Jace begins talking with Roberto, and I smile at Maya. I feel a little weird because I haven’t spoken to many other people in seven years. It’s been the residents and staff at Herb’s mansion and that’s it.
“So Roberto was telling me that you’re Jace’s girlfriend?”
“Yes,” I say, beaming. It feels so nice to hear it. She smiles.
“That’s great. You know, I never thought Jace would settle down. He was so caught up in his work and never talked about meeting someone special. There was one time when he got drunk and mentioned an old high school sweetheart of his, but then he went completely mum the next day.”
I smile a little tearily.
“Well, that’s me. We met in high school. I’m the old girlfriend he was talking about.”
Maya starts.
“You are? The one who got away?”
I smile gently again, suffused with emotion. “Well, I don’t know if I’d describe myself like that, but I’m here now.”
Maya looks at me oddly, then turns to look at Jamie, and then back at Jace.
“Is Jamie …?”
I nod.
“He’s Jace’s son. It’s a long story, but we lost touch and are only now reconnecting.”
r /> “Oh, how wonderful,” she gushes. “It’s a real life happy ending.” I smile again, my heart full, but suddenly we’re interrupted.
“Haley, it’s time for your surprise,” Jace calls.
“Oh.” I look at Maya and she waves her hand.
“We can talk later over a glass of wine. A little girl talk,” she winks before walking back to her family. I like the middle-aged woman already, and it feels good to make a new friend. Actually, it feels good to have a friend, even if it’s only one.
I walk over to Jace.
“Should I get Jamie?”
He shakes his head.
“I was thinking we could leave him here. This surprise might be better just the two of us.” I wrinkle my brow, not sure what Jace could possibly have in store.
We walk back the way we came and we’re almost to the front of the house, when Jace stops me.
“Haley, I want to cover your eyes. Don’t worry, I won’t let you trip or anything.” I let him cover my eyes, and, slowly, we make our way forwards. I feel the ground change from grass to gravel, and my guess is that we’re back at the driveway. “Okay, you can stop here. Are you ready?”
“Yes,” I breathe. Jace drops his hands and oh my goodness, my mouth drops open in shock. I turn to him, excitement coursing through my entire body. “Is that … ?”
“It is,” he responds with a satisfied smile. It’s his old red truck.
My mouth opens and shuts a few times.
“Jace, did you keep it all this time? For seven years?”
He shakes his head.
“No, I sold it before leaving Lenville, but once I got some money, I was able to track it down and buy it back. And you know why baby? Because this is where you and I consummated our love for the first time. Even if I didn’t have you anymore, I wanted the memory. That’s how much you mean to me.”
I throw my arms around him, pulling myself close to that bulk.
“I know, Jace, that’s how I feel too. We’re so lucky after all this time to be re-united. And we have more than just a truck now. We have a son.”
He dips his head to kiss me.
“You’re right, sweetheart. You and Jamie mean everything to me, and this red truck is just a token of my love. But it means that even back then, I never forgot you, do you hear? I never forgot the girl that I left in Lenville, and I’m so happy with the woman you’ve become. We’ve had a lot of challenges, but now that you and Jamie are here, I’m never letting you go,” he says fervently.