You're Mine: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance Read online
Page 9
“What’s the first thing you want to do once you’re settled in New York?” is my question.
She blinks.
“You know, once we’re in New York. What are you going to do once you get there?”
She looks confused.
“Oh, I don’t know. I haven’t really had time to think about it, if you can’t tell.”
I grin. Of course. This has been such a mad dash that there hasn’t been any time to take a real breather until now.
“That’s not a problem. I can show you and Jamie some of the coolest spots around.” We could talk about how I’m determined to become a real father to my son, but I think that’s evident given that I just helped them escape from the clutches of her dad.
Haley tucks her legs under herself.
“Thank you, I’d like that,” she says quietly. Hope beats in my heart.
“Yeah,” she blushes. I’m starting to think that there might be a chance for us, and the thought fills me with joy. Is this what happiness is? A second chance with the woman of your dreams? There’s so much to discuss, and so many things to figure out, but suddenly Jamie runs up with a big grin on his face.
“Mommy!” Haley snaps out of the moment and turns to our son. He’s holding a light saber I hadn’t realized was still on this plane. “Look what I found!”
He shows off some sword skills, making whooshing noises.
“Wow, you’re looking really cool! Where did you find that?”
“It was in the closet in the other room.” Haley looks at me questioningly. I grin apologetically.
“I think it’s left over from when some of my business partner’s kids were travelling with us.” Jamie stares at the lightsaber with wonder. While his are the same blue as mine, their innocent appearance is all his mother.
“Do we have to give them back?” he pouts.
“They’ve probably forgotten about them by now,” I reassure him.
“So I can keep it!” I nod with a grin.
“How else are you going to train, space cowboy?”
“Yay!” he shrieks and then runs off to keep playing, the lightsaber almost hitting a couple pieces of furniture. I almost laugh because I’m sure he knew exactly what he was doing, making that light saber his.
“Thank you, Jace. Jamie’s never had a lot of toys because you know how my dad can be.” My heart contracts.
“It’s no problem. I want him to be happy.” Before I can respond, my pilot, Edward, walks in. He’s a paunchy man with a jolly red face.
“Mr. King?” I get up to talk with him.
“Hey, Edward. Were you able to get everything squared away?”
“Yes, sir. We’ll be taking off in about thirty minutes. I’ll make an announcement before starting the plane.”
“Perfect. Thanks for taking care of everything so quickly. I really appreciate it.”
He grins, looking a lot like Santa Claus. Ever the good employee, he doesn’t ask who Haley and Jamie are, even as the little boy rushes by him, still brandishing the lightsaber.
“It’s no problem sir. We’ll be on our way in five.”
I let him leave and return to my seat across from Haley. She’s quiet, looking out the window, and I’m stunned by the beauty of her profile. Her nose is so small and delicate, but there’s strength and determination to her chin. God knows she needed it, living in Herb’s house.
Soon, we’re in the air. Jamie and Haley fall asleep fairly quickly into the ride. My son is sprawled on top of his mom who’s draped over her seat. Usually, on plane rides, I do my best to get as much work done as possible, but right now, I just want to stare at the two people in the world who mean the most to me.
Watching them, I’m reminded of how quickly all this happiness can be taken away. Seven years ago, I fucked up big time and Haley left me. The memory sends chills down my spine because to this day, I still don’t know exactly what I did wrong. All I know is that she didn’t want to see me, and bore my son on her own. Whatever it is, we have to figure it out because I can’t let them go even if it means risking life and limb.
Dozing, I dream. I’m back in Jace’s truck, and it’s seven years ago and happiness suffuses my form as I lie back in his arms. Or is it the present day? Everything feels kind of fuzzy. On the one hand, I’m sure that I was on a plane with Jace and my son. But on the other hand, that’s not possible because I’m eighteen again, and there’s no way me or Jace would be able to afford a chartered flight.
The dreams zoom through my head as I surf between the past and present. I do remember we were just as close as two people can possibly be, and I’m staring up at the stars as he strokes my hair. His touch is reassuring just like his presence in my life. But something’s different.
“Jace, do you feel that?”
“Feel what, baby girl?” he rumbles.
“That peace. I’m not scared anymore.” After years of fear, to not have that feeling anymore is incredibly freeing. There was a weight on my shoulders that I didn’t even realize was there, but now it’s gone. I can finally breathe.
“Scared of what?”
I swallow.
“That’s because he’s out of your life, baby girl. He’s out of our lives. You’ll never have to worry about him again.” I twist out of Jace’s arms because what he’s saying isn’t possible. I have to go home right after this. Did Jace do something to Herb?
“What are you talking about?”
“Why don’t you wake up and fine out?” he suggests. My brows lower because Jace is talking in all these riddles. What is he trying to say?
“I’m still confused.”
“That because you’re dreaming Haley.”
Suddenly, I startle awake, and I’m in a dark room I don’t recognize. This isn’t my room. This isn’t any room in the estate. Where am I? Where’s Jamie? In a panic, I bolt upright. I’m sitting on a huge bed in an enormous, plush room. There’s soft music being piped in, and heavy wooden furniture.
Where am I? This isn’t my dad’s house. My mind spins, and I jerk around. Jamie isn’t here. Where is my son? Suddenly, memory comes flooding back. He was sleeping with me on the plane, and out cold after playing with that light saber. Jamie! Where is he? I’m sure his father put him somewhere safe, but I need to know where my son is right now.
I rush to the door and yank open the knob. For some reason, I had some anxiety that it would be locked, but it swings wide open. I step into a hallway with artwork on the walls. Suddenly, realization hits. This must be Jace’s New York apartment. I wonder if he really lives here on a daily basis because it seems almost too nice, if a little impersonal.
My first instinct is to start opening doors. I begin with the one closest to me, and after flinging open a few, it doesn’t take me long to find Jamie. He’s just a few doors down in a separate bedroom, slumbering peacefully. I tiptoe in and let out a sigh of relief. He’s curled up with his lightsaber, his little body relaxed. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to get that thing away from him.
I don’t want to disturb my son, so carefully, I pad back out, closing the door after me. Leaning against the wall, I let out a long, shuddering breath. My twenty-five year nightmare is over. My dad can’t hurt me, and he can’t hurt my son. He can’t keep us prisoner anymore, and it’s all thanks to Jace.
But where is Jace? Did he step out? I’ve only explored a tiny part of his apartment, but haven’t encountered the man himself yet. Is he in another wing? We have so much to talk about.
I venture further into the apartment, and finally find myself in his living room. Creeping around his place feels weird because I’m like a stealth intruder. He brought me here, and yet I was asleep the entire time. How did he get me off the plane?
Slowly, I look around. The living room is enormous, with fancy leather furniture scattered about and a huge crystal chandel
ier hanging from the ceiling. What looks like priceless artwork hangs on the walls, not to mention a huge sixty-inch TV mounted to my left.
This is a far cry from his old home. I shudder remembering my encounter with Corinna and Kelley. Before he left me, I’d only been to Jace’s house twice. The first time, he had me stay outside in his truck while he ran in to grab something. The second time was a little more alarming. He hadn’t been at school for a few days and hadn’t texted me either, so I decided to make my way to his parents’ house on my own.
I knocked, staring at the little overgrown yard littered with empty beer bottles. The sounds of dogs barking filled my ears. Finally, the screen door swung open. The man standing there could only have been Jace’s dad, although he was about four inches shorter, with red bulging eyes and capillaries crawling on his nose.
“Who are you?” He was holding a beer bottle, clearly drunk.
It was only three p.m., but Jace had told me all about his dad’s addiction, so I wasn’t surprised.
“Um hi, I’m Haley,” I answered. “I just wanted to know if Jace was home?” He took another swig before belching loudly.
“You one of his whores?” I was so taken aback, I didn’t know what to say. This man actually reminded me of my dad, albeit a less put together version of him. But it was still the same abusive, entitled asshole.
“Don’t be scared, little girl,” he burped, not waiting for my answer. “You can come in. I’m sure I can treat you better than Jace does.”
I stepped back, not wanting to get anywhere near this guy. Fortunately, I bumped straight into the wall of Jace’s hard chest.
“Get away from her,” he snarled at his father. I braced myself, waiting for sharp words to be exchanged, but the older man just shrugged and burped again.
“Up to you,” he said, the words trailing over his shoulder. “I got better things to do.”
I looked up at my boyfriend, my eyes questioning, but he merely looked away, as if embarrassed.
“Don’t ever come here again, you hear?” he asked. “It’s not safe.”
I nodded and agreed. Seeing that he was okay was enough for me, and I fell into his arms with a kiss of relief. He swept me into his arms, and we embraced, feeling like it was the two of us against the world.
But I did to back to his house to find him, and a lot has changed since. Is it the same Jace now? The same boy who would do anything and everything to keep me safe? I thought so, given how he stormed into Lenville to rescue me and Jamie. But looking around, I’m not so sure anymore because there are no memories of our past here. In fact, I’d say that his enormous wealth completely obliterated his background. This penthouse has to be worth a hundred times his parents’ house back in Lenville, and there were no pictures on the walls, nor any knickknacks or personal tokens. The apartment was so impersonal, like he didn’t want to remember his past.
I step forwards again, determined to find Jace in this huge apartment. We have things to figure out, including sorting through our shared history and determining a present for our son. Hope fills my breast, and my step is light, but then a weird grunting interrupts my thoughts. It’s rhythmic and strained, like someone’s physically exerting themselves. What could it be?
My brows lowering, I follow the sound through the labyrinthine apartment. I make a left, then a right past a series of doors, and then a left again. I follow the sounds, which have only grown louder, to a closed door. Putting my ear against it, the noises of someone moving around are clearer. It’s probably Jace, but I wonder what he’s doing in there. What could those sounds be?
I remove my ear from the wood, hovering my fist to knock. Maybe I should just wait until he’s done. But I take too long to decide because suddenly, the door opens.
“Oh!” I exclaim.
Jace is standing before me without a shirt. His chest is very broad, sweaty, bare, and I see that behind him is a home gym.
“Oh,” I say again, unable to move. My pulse beats erratically and it’s hard to breathe because he’s in incredible shape, with a visible six pack and a vee that cuts into his gym shorts. And is that …? Oh my god, it is. His cock is huge, and the outline of the enormous pole is visible beneath his gym shorts. It’s so long that it’s practically wrapped around his waist, and I feel like I’m about to pass out.
“Um, so sorry, I just got lost, and-“
The corner of his mouth turns upward into a lopsided grin at my incessant babbling. He knows I’m staring at his body, but that’s not even the truth. I’m not just staring at his body, I’m fantasizing about it. Him on top of me, beneath me, and in me. My hands skirting down the ridges of his abs, kissing his heated skin before he owns me completely, making me scream with pleasure.
Oh god! I need to calm down.
“Are you okay?” he drawls again, looking amused.
“Yeah, I was just looking at – for you. I was just looking for you.” Dammit, why am I coming off like some awkward fifth grader?
He loops his towel around his neck, ignoring my little Freudian slip, and I’m not sure what to do. I’d almost forgotten how attracted I am to this man. The initial shock of what we went through muffled my senses, but now, I remember how this man is pure sex on a stick.
He grins, like he knows exactly what I’m thinking.
“Haley, let me clean myself up and then we can talk, is that okay?”
I nod furiously. It’s definitely for the best. There’s no way I could concentrate with Jace sitting across from me looking like this because I wouldn’t get a single intelligent word out.
“Um sure, that’s fine.”
“Great, follow me. You can wait for me in the living room.” I follow him back through a bunch of hallways and again into the room I was just in.
“I’ll be right back,” he grins before striding out.
I nod and take a seat on the couch, trying to get ahold of myself. Holy smokes, I’m so nervous! I touch my hands to my face, trying to get a grip. What am I going to say to him? Are there any ice cubes around because I could use a few right now. Yes, I have a lot of questions, but he’s probably going to ask me a few too. That is, if I can form an intelligent answer at this point in time.
I’m spiraling, and it’s not good.
“Haley?” I almost jump out of my seat. Jace is back, his hair a little wet and wearing fresh clothes. There’s nothing overtly sexy about what he’s got on because it’s just sweat pants and a t-shirt, but he’s gorgeous all the same. The soft cotton stretches across the width of his shoulders, and the pants hang low and sexy on his hips. Am I hallucinating, or is that the ridge of his dick off to the left? My mouth waters, and I bite my lip.
“Um hi,” I stammer. I’m so transparent. My face is red, and he has to know what I’m thinking.
“Do you still want to talk?” he asks with a knowing grin.
I nod, face flaming like a furnace. He sinks into the seat across from me, looking as cool as a cucumber. Damn Jace. He always has me eating out of the palm of his hand when it comes to physical attraction, even after so many years.
But at the same time, I know this conversation is important. Even if I’m drawn to him on an animal level, what matters is the dialogue between us. We have to connect, and figure out where we are. After all, we have a son together now. The stakes are ten times higher than they used to be so long ago.
But what should I say? After seven years, how am I supposed to start this conversation? I’ve had so long to think about the things I want to tell him. Angry things, sad things, and happy things. With all that time, I still don’t know where to start. Maybe somewhere simple.
“Where are we exactly?” I ask. “Are we even in New York?”
He tilts his head with a smile at my question. Jace was probably expecting a different line of questioning. Come to think of it, I also thought I’d begin with something else. He grins.
“We’re in the penthouse suite of a hotel I own. This is where I live when I�
�m in the city.”
Holy smokes, we’re in a hotel room? Jace owns an entire hotel? He must have done very well for himself – even better than I thought.
“Um, is the hotel in New York?”
He grins again.
“It is, baby girl.” A rush of something shoots through my heart because this was our plan so many years ago. We wanted to elope to the big city and start a life together, except we were thwarted by all sorts of crazy events. It may be seven years later, but I finally made it here with Jace. My heart swells at the thought.
But then Jace’s eyes grow dark.
“Haley, is it okay if I ask you a few things?” He leans forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees. Those blue eyes burn into me intensely, and I swallow. What comes next?
“Yes, of course.”
He takes a deep breath.
“Can you tell me about your dad? Why was the house so dark when I came by?”
I nervously swallow. I’ve never liked talking about my home life because people never understand. Once, my school tried to get me a counselor because I think they suspected, and the consensus was I needed to talk to a professional. But the psychologist was more interested in talking about herself than me, and our meetings went absolutely nowhere.
As a result, I learned to say little about my home situation, and merely dissembled when asked. I never told anyone that Herb hit me and my mom sometimes. I never told anyone that he flew into insane rages where all sorts of household items were smashed and ruined forever. I kept his secret inside, and was ready to take it with me to the grave, but maybe things are different now. Maybe Jace can make a difference. In fact, he already has.
“Haley?” My ex’s voice takes me out of my state. I must have zoned out remembering the past.
“Sorry, I was just thinking.” Jace nods, and I swallow again. “It’s not easy for me to talk about that stuff. But maybe it’s time I told someone.” I take a deep breath. “You know that Herb has always been aggressive. He was always the big man about town, and he had to have his way, whether it was outside the home or inside the manor. He liked to keep my mother and me submissive, and so the house was kept dark because he was punishing us. He thought the dark would frighten me, and he was right at first.”