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Trailer Park Daddy Page 6

  “Oh fuck is right,” I rasp, tasting her tight walls as I breathe. “I’m going to fuck this butt until it’s raw.”

  With that, I stand in a hurry, pulling my huge shaft out. There’s no time to look for the lube, so instead, I turn to the meringue again, and spread it all over my veiny length until it’s well-coated. Then I press the head against her brown button and begin to ease myself inside.

  “Fuck fuck fuck,” Kaylee whispers, her cheek pressed against the table. “Oh shiiiit.”

  But the dirty girl always gives me what I want. Her inner ring of muscle relaxes a bit, and soon, I’m able to get past her sphincter, and deep into her back passage. A low growl emanates from my chest.

  “You’re so tight,” I rasp. “So fucking small, and taking it all just like a professional.”

  The girl from the trailer park merely moans, as she reaches two hands back to pull her creamy cheeks apart, giving me deeper access.

  “This is all yours,” she wails. “Fuck my butt, Mr. Connery.”

  With that, the filth begins. I’m slipping and sliding in and out of her asshole like a crazed man. She’s moaning and crying, taking every inch of my hardness as she squirms on the table. But the excitement is too much. Within minutes, both of us have lost control, and I sink one more time into that giant bubble butt before spilling my seed in hot blasts.

  “Fuuuuuuck!” comes my bellow. “Oh shit!”

  Kaylee merely pumps her sphincter, sucking the seed in deep as her asshole goes wild, the ring hugging me tight.

  “Mmmm,” is her musical moan. “Yes, Elliot. Yes, yes, yes!”

  But I’m not done yet. With a swift movement, I pull my member from her bottom and slip it into her pussy with a hard, fast stroke. The beautiful girl arches her back and cries out, welcoming the penetration.

  “Ohhh,” she moans. “Yessssssss.”

  With that, our encounter finishes and we collapse on the hard surface. The curvy girl is hot, spent, and so slutty, bent over the table with my enormous rod buried inside. But I love it so much, and can’t wait to get to know this girl from the trailer park even more.



  Tonight’s assignment is just big enough so that Rebecca booked both me and Olly. Fortunately, Rebecca’s not actually on the job with us, so instead of splitting up, we’re dividing each room in half. This way, we get to talk while we work. It makes things a lot more bearable.

  “How is your paper coming along?” Olly asks, pushing her hair out of her face. Her forehead is damp with sweat. Scrubbing floors is a good workout, even if neither of us ever manages to lose weight from it.

  “It’s coming along. I started it on Saturday, so I have a couple paragraphs down on paper.”

  Olly grins.

  “I’m so proud of you, girl!”

  I roll my eyes.

  “It’s only a couple paragraphs, Olly. I still have the entire paper to go.”

  My friend just bobs her head excitedly.

  “No seriously Kaylee, this is a huge step for you. I wasn’t expecting you to have anything yet. I was prepared to give you more shit about it.”

  I roll my eyes with mirth.

  “Well, you don’t have to because starting is the hardest part. Now that I’ve gotten a few thoughts down, I don’t think finishing is going to be that difficult.”

  My friend’s head bobs again.

  “My little girl is growing up,” she says with fake sniffles while wiping at her eyes. “I’m so proud.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Stop acting like my mom. Or actually, Coralie never acts like this.”

  Olly stops in her tracks.

  “I know, ugh. What’s Coralie up to these days?”

  Olly knows all too well about my mom’s personality. I contemplate telling her about the proposed threesome with our disgusting neighbor Humphrey but then think better of it. It’s too horrifying to even share with my best friend.

  “Coralie’s okay,” I say. “Same old, same old.”

  Olly makes a face.

  “That means she’s lazy and hasn’t left the house for a week, right? How much pot did she smoke?”

  I shake my head.

  “I don’t know, and I don’t want to know.”

  Now it’s Olly’s turn to shake her head.

  “You have to get out of there, Kaylee. I swear, you’re suffering from second-hand pot smoke at the very least. You’re basically getting high every night just by living in that trailer.”

  I nod.

  “I know, but I told you my secret trick. I put towels beneath the crack in my door and light that special incense imported from the Himalayas. It’s a toxin-killer. It basically neutralizes the pot smoke.”

  She shakes her head.

  “I doubt it. I think that Himalayan stuff is just so strong that it’s masking the vapors.”

  I sigh.

  “Okay, fine. What do you want me to do, Olly?”

  The truth is, my friend’s not sure either. I’m stuck in a bad place currently, and don’t have many options.

  “I want you to do your homework!” she chirps with a smile.

  I merely smile back, a little sad.

  “I know, I know. We’ll figure a way out of here. Someday.”

  We’re both quiet for a moment, scrubbing away at our client’s office. The place is nice, but it’s nowhere near as fancy as Elliot’s set-up. This office is more homey, with worn furniture and a scarred wooden desk, although I have seen a few first editions on the shelves.

  Olly breaks the silence.

  “Did you see Josh today at school?” she asks.

  Josh is a boy whom Olly likes. He’s cute enough with floppy brown hair and puppy dog eyes, but he’s nothing like Elliot. I can’t even compare the two.

  “No, I didn’t see him. Why?” I ask.

  Olly blushes.

  “Just wondering. I saw him, and he looked extra adorable today with that beanie over his long bangs.”

  What he really looks like is an emo boy in the school glee club, but I don’t say that. I merely smile.

  “You always think Josh looks cute.”

  She jerks her head up and her eyes are sparkling.

  “That’s because he is cute! I’m going to talk to him tomorrow.”

  Olly makes this claim every week, but she never follows through. She’s been crushing on Josh ever since she moved to Millbrook years ago, but I don’t think they’ve even had a real conversation. I wish Olly would talk to Josh because otherwise, she’s stuck in nowhere-land. Who knows, maybe something could happen between them if she took a chance. I want her to have movement in her life, the way mine seems to be jumping forward in leaps and bounds right now. My friend looks at me suspiciously.

  “What’s with that look on your face?”

  I try to look innocent.

  “What look?”

  “You’re smiling at the floor like you know a secret, and you’re not telling me.”

  “I am not,” I deny, but I know I am.

  “Come on, Kaylee. What’s going on with you? Is it something having to do with Josh? Oh my god, you know something, right?” Olly gasps. “Did he say something to you about me?”

  That seems unlikely, seeing that I’ve barely talked to Josh since freshman year.

  “No, no, it’s nothing. At least, it has nothing to do with Josh.”

  She puts her hands on her hips and glares at me from over by the bay window.

  “Okay, out with it then! What’s going on? What’s the big secret?”

  I think about dissembling for a moment. I could tell her about Humphrey and the threesome. That would be a big-enough secret, and get me off the hook.

  “You’re doing it again,” my friend mock-threatens. “That innocent yet stealthy look. Out with it.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just thinking about school.”

  Olly laughs.

  “You liar! You never smile when you think about school – unless it’s about
Home Ec. And even that doesn’t make you smile this much. Come on, I thought I was your best friend, Kays.”

  “You are. I just don’t want you to hate me.”

  Her eyes go wide.

  “It does have to do with Josh, doesn’t it?” she asks in a trembling voice. Then her eyes fill with tears. “Oh my god, did he ask you out? I know I haven’t been very aggressive, but I thought …”

  Now, I’ve gotten myself into a tizzy.

  “No, he didn’t ask me out. You know I don’t talk to Josh, Olly. It has nothing to do with him – it has to do with Millbrook Manor.”

  My friend’s forehead crinkles in confusion.

  “You mean the place we cleaned last time?”

  I nod.

  “Exactly that place. To make a long story short, I met the owner when I was scrubbing the office. We started talking, and he invited me to go back for lunch the next day.”

  Olly’s eyes widen.

  “Really? Was he some disgusting old geezer with hair poking out of his nose? Did he threaten to get you canned if you didn’t go? I’m sorry this happened to you, Kays.”

  I laugh.

  “No, nothing like that. He’s actually really handsome and charming, and I decided to go. I just … I don’t know, it was really awesome actually. Anyways, I went, and it was amazing. We had lunch in the garden. And then … well … we kind of … had sex. I mean, after we had sex in his office.”

  I say the last two sentences quickly, half-hoping Olly doesn’t hear. But of course, I’m not that lucky.

  Olly gapes at me.

  “Holy sheeee-it, Kaylee!”

  I bury my head in my hands.

  “I know, it’s insane. That’s why I was afraid to tell you.”

  “Oh my god, girlfriend! The master of Millbrook Manor? Holy sheeee-it! Tell me more about what happened. Did you guys do it twice, once in his office and once in the garden? Did anyone see you? How did this come about? You’re just the maid, for crying out loud! I always know that maids are supposed to serve their masters, but this is taking it to a whole other level.”

  I blush.

  “Thanks for your commentary,” I say dryly. “And no, I did not call him “master” while we were having sex. The first time, we did it while I was on the job that day …”

  Olly cuts me off again.

  “Holy sheeee-it!” she screams again, practically jumping up and down. “You mean, while the entire team was at the house? While I was there?”

  I nod, blushing but also strangely proud.

  “Yeah. Elliot walked in, and he was with this woman, but then she left and we were alone. Then we started talking and then we started … well, we did it on his desk.”

  I already know what to expect next.

  “Holy sheeeee-it!” my friend screams again. “Sheeee-it!”

  I nod.

  “Then, I went back for lunch the next day, and we did it again. With an apple meringue pie, I might add,” I say with a naughty look.

  My friend is going to explode with excitement. Literally, Olly’s face is red and she looks like she’s holding her breath. It all comes out in a blood-curdling scream, although there are no words to this scream. It’s merely a primal yell of ecstasy.

  “Yaaaaa-ooooooh!” she shrieks.

  “Olly, shhhh!” I hush her, giggling while looking around. “You’re going to get us fired!”

  She shrugs, still shaking with enthusiasm.

  “No one’s around, Kaylee. It’s just you and me. Oh my god, you boinked the master of the house!”

  I dissolve into giggles.

  “Will you stop with the ‘boinking’? That’s such a crass term, although we did something even better than boinking. We did back door.”

  I see Olly inhale for another mighty scream, but this time I cover her mouth with one of my hands.

  “No noise!” I hiss. “Stop!”

  She lets out a muffled noise from behind my hand, but then nods.

  “Okay,” I say, taking my hand away. “You promised to be quiet.”

  Olly takes a few deep breaths and then stares at me with admiration.

  “Wow, Kaylee. Just wow.”

  I giggle.

  “I know, right? But it was amazing. We get along really well, and Elliot really understands me. We had all this amazing conversation, and he even offered to help me find an internship at a restaurant. You know how much I hate school. This is really going to help me jumpstart my culinary career after graduation.”

  At that, Olly goes a little quiet.

  “What is it?” I ask. “Aren’t you happy for me?”

  Olly looks down at her hands and doesn’t say anything for a minute.

  “Elliot and I have a real connection,” I insist. “I know how this sounds, but he’s special, Olly. Not only did we get along like a house on fire and talk about a ton of things, but meeting him was fate.”

  Olly is quiet for far too long. Suddenly, the task of polishing a bookshelf ledge seems to takes all of her attention.

  “Out with it,” I say. “What are you thinking?”

  She won’t look at me.

  “I don’t know if you want me to tell you,” comes her subdued answer.

  I stare at her.

  “Of course I do. You’re my best friend, remember? I want you to tell me what you think. I want you to be happy for me!”

  She switches tasks and starts mopping the floor energetically. Then, she pauses and looks at me. Her expression is troubled.

  “Kaylee, you know I love you, right?”

  “I do. Why, where is this going?”

  Olly hesitates.

  “Okay, because that’s why I’m telling you this. Because you are the most important person in my life, and I don’t want you to get hurt. I love you too much to let that happen.”

  I laugh.

  “You don’t have to worry about that. Elliot won’t hurt me.”

  Olly sighs.

  “He already has, girlfriend.”

  I stare at her.

  “What are you talking about? No, he hasn’t. I did everything willingly, Olls. And didn’t you hear me? He’s hooking me up with a restaurant apprenticeship. It’s going to be amazing!”

  The other girl sighs.

  “Kaylee, you’re just too nice. Sometimes, I wonder how you’ve come this far.”

  I stare at her.

  “I’m not an idiot, you know. He’s not taking advantage of me.”

  She looks at me again.

  “I know you’re not an idiot, and that’s why I’m surprised. Elliot used you, Kaylee. Don’t you get it? He’s definitely taken advantage of you.”

  I scrunch my nose, offended at her accusation.

  “No, he didn’t! Which part didn’t you understand? I did everything willingly.”

  Olly just shakes her head sadly, looking down again.

  “The most skillful manipulators are able to do that, Kay. They’re able to make you think that you wanted this, and that you actually asked for it. They make you complicit in their misdeeds. But what have you gotten so far, Kaylee? The promise of an internship, maybe. What has he gotten? Anal sex with a naïve teenage girl who needs his money. Tell me: does that sound like a power imbalance to you?”

  My mouth snaps shut. When she phrases is that way …

  I hold a hand up.

  “I know how this looks, but it’s not like that. Elliot’s not like that. He’s kind, he’s giving, and he’s …”

  This time, Olly cuts me off.

  “You’ve been hoodwinked Kaylee. I don’t want to say ‘brainwashed’, but definitely hookwinked at the very least. You think all these wonderful things about him, but it’s based on nothing. The man is just a master manipulator.”

  I gawk at her, my jaw dropping open.

  “No, he’s not.”

  Olly merely shakes her head again.

  “Kaylee, Elliot is a powerful, wealthy older man. You’re a teen girl with no future, no real education, and no prospects for
getting out of the trailer park. He sold you a sweet bag of lies, honey. I’m so sorry, but it’s true.”

  “You’re wrong,” I say through gritted teeth as my blood pressure skyrockets. “You’re just jealous that I found a guy who actually likes me, and you can’t even talk to the guy you like. Poor Josh,” I sneer. “Stuck in his emo band forever with a bunch of teeny-bopper fans.”

  Olly maintains her composure.

  “I don’t even know what you just said, but I’m going to forgive you for it because I just revealed some hard truths, and I know you’re feeling emotional.”

  By now, steam is pouring from my ears.

  “I’m not feeling emotional. You’re just wrong. You think you know everything, but you don’t know anything.”

  She looks down, and there’s pain in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Kaylee.”

  I’m dumbfounded and hurt.

  “I still don’t believe you,” I protest. “Elliot is a good guy. You don’t even know him!”

  Olly’s face softens.

  “I know I don’t know him, and I hope to god that I’m wrong. I want you to be happy, Kaylee, and if Elliot makes you happy, then that’s great. But I don’t want you to get hurt, okay? You’re just starting out in life, and he’s … well, I’m not going to say any more about him because it’s just going to get me in trouble with you!”

  I stand there, still seething. But slowly, my blood pressure decreases and the red tinge from my vision fades.

  Suddenly, there’s a voice at the door.

  “Are the two of you finished in here?”

  I jump and turn toward the noise. The homeowner stands there, looking at us. She’s an older woman with white hair and a designer bag on her arm. Her lipstick is bleeding into the edges of her mouth, and she looks annoyed.

  “Yes ma’am, we’re nearly finished. We’ll be out of here in no time,” I say quickly.

  “Great,” she nods. “I already paid the maid service, and your tip is under the vase by the door. Please let yourself out when you’re done.” With that, she turns on her heel and shuffles off down the hallway.

  Olly and I quickly finish the room, and then lug our cleaning supplies outside. It’s a little after eight at night, but the moon’s already out, casting us in a faint glow. I turn to my friend.