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  • First Time Menage: A Forbidden Romance (Forbidden Fantasies Book 14) Page 5

First Time Menage: A Forbidden Romance (Forbidden Fantasies Book 14) Read online

Page 5

  “Which one do you like the most, besides Brett the Asshole?” I ask.

  She laughs. “I don’t want to choose!” she proclaims. “They’re all so hot, built, and nice too. And I have to be honest – the sex has been great with all of them.”

  “Oh my God, have you been having sex in our room when I’m not around?” I ask in mock horror.

  Kristy giggles. “Um, no. We usually do it at their place.” She suddenly looks a little crestfallen. “I’m honestly upset that I’m not getting any tonight, though.”

  I giggle.

  “It’s fine though! I mean, you’re having sexy times with a bunch of guys, which is so awesome. Can I just say how proud I am of you?”

  My friend giggles as well.

  “I know, right? But I have to admit that my lady parts sometimes get sore from so much usage, and it’s the worst when you can’t remember who you’re with. I almost called Jake Lucas, and Lucas Jake the other night. Good thing it was a scream so I was able to modify it to ‘Jayyyy-Lucas!’”

  I keel over with laughter, holding my stomach because it almost hurts.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, offering her a bag of chocolates, which she accepts. “But it sounds like fun at least.”

  Kristy nods but then sighs.

  “I just want one of these guys to actually want to be my boyfriend though,” she says. “Like, I’m loving dating around, but one of them has to commit eventually, right?”

  “One of them definitely will soon,” I assure her. “You’re a catch!”

  She laughs. “Well, thanks. We’ll see.” Then, she nudges me playfully. “C’mon, Violet. I’m sure you’ve been having sex in here while I’m not around.”

  I shake my head and say “nope” very truthfully. I definitely haven’t had sex in our room. I don’t think Scott, Mike, and I would all fit in my twin extra-long bed, anyways.

  A blush colors my face, and Kristy notices it immediately. “What’s that?” she asks, poking my cheek.

  Uh-oh. “Nothing!” I protest. “I just… I’m, uh, embarrassed that I haven’t hooked up with anyone lately.”

  “Nah,” Kristy says, eating another gummy worm. “You wouldn’t blush because of that. C’mon, Vi. I know you better than that. Who have you been banging?”

  On the outside, I’m opening a bag of chocolates with fierce concentration. On the inside, I’m panicking. If I were considering being open, I’d do it with Kristy. Still, I’m not sure that I’m ready to let the juicy details spill. She’s in my class with me, after all. Mike and Scott are her professors too!

  Maybe I should make up a story about hooking up with someone else. Maybe I should deny everything. Or maybe I should tell her the truth and finally, finally voice the deep, dark secret that’s been with me for weeks.

  Making up my mind, I rip open the bag of chocolates and unwrap a caramel-filled one. “So I actually did recently do the dirty,” I mention, popping a chocolate in my mouth as nonchalantly as possible.

  Kristy’s eyes widen and she pumps her fist into the air victoriously. “I knew it!” she cries. “With whom? Is it someone I know?”

  This caramel is much chewier than I anticipated, so I get another extra few seconds to plan what I’m going to say. “You do know them,” I say. “But I didn’t know them when we first hooked up.”

  “Oh my God! Details, girlfriend, details!”

  I explain to her that on the day I went to the spa, her words were weirdly prophetic. “I honestly never thought in a million years that I would, but I ended up having sex with… someone.”

  “At the spa?!”

  “In the sauna.”

  “Oh my God! That’s so hot!”

  “I know.”

  “So who is it?!” she asks, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

  “Um…” I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You have to promise me not to tell anyone, okay?”

  Kristy’s brows shoot up. “Did you have sex with a girl?”

  “No!” I laugh and shake my head. “No, it’s not that. It’s just… well, I had sex with Mike. And Scott.”

  My best friend’s jaw drops open. “You had sex with two guys at the same time?”

  I nod, suddenly sheepish.

  “Holy shit,” Kristy breathes, looking at me with new respect. “In public? Who are you?!”

  “I know,” I say, covering my face with my hands. “I still can’t believe it.”

  “But wait, who are Mike and Scott? Are they two randoms? Have you met up with them since?”

  I swallow hard. “Kristy, Mike and Scott … well, they’re our Astro 1 professors. You know, Professors Logan and Kamp.”

  I’ve never seen so many different emotions parade across my friend’s face. She looks confused, then amazed, then horrified, then excited, and probably a million other things that I can’t discern. She leaps to her feet. “Oh my God!” she screams. “You had sex with two of our professors?!”

  I stagger to my feet and clap my hand over her mouth. “Shhhh!” I hiss. I know we’re in the privacy of our own room, but these walls are notoriously thin. I can’t risk anyone else finding out.

  “Sorry,” she squeaks, and I let my hand drop. She immediately seizes both of my hands and jumps up and down.

  “They’re so gorgeous!” Kristy yells, only a little more quietly. “And they’re older and successful and smart and did I mention how gorgeous they are?! Holy shit, Vi! You’re an icon!”

  “I swear I didn’t know they were professors when we were making love,” I say. “They just approached me while we were in the sauna, and they were so hot that I couldn’t resist. I honestly thought it was an anonymous hook-up and that I’d never see them again. But then the next day, when they strolled to the front of the classroom, I absolutely thought I would die.”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me right away!” Kristy screams again, still jumping up and down like a madwoman.

  “I’m sorry,” I say. “I just… well, obviously it’s kind of a big, weird deal, and I didn’t know if I should keep it to myself.”

  “I’m so glad you didn’t,” says Kristy. “This is exactly the kind of juicy best friend gossip I want in my life.” Her eyes go wide once more. “So did you talk to them about it? Is that why you stayed back after class that first day?!”

  I nod. “And I met up with them a few days later at a cafe to talk about it more.”

  “You saw them outside of class?!” Kristy cries. “So you’re going to hook up with them again? Hell yeah, girlfriend!”

  “I don’t know,” I say, rubbing my arm. “I want to see Mike and Scott again, and they said they want to see me again, but I just don’t know if it’s a good idea.”

  “Of course it’s a good idea!” Kristy affirms, shaking the bag of gummy worms emphatically. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Violet! Two incredibly attractive older guys want to hook up with you, maybe on a regular basis? You’d better go after that!”

  “I just am so scared that someone will find out,” I sigh. “You have to admit that it’s a little taboo to say the least.”

  Kristy’s grin turns wicked. “But that’s exactly why it’s so hot.”

  I giggle a little. “You’re right. But okay, that’s my secret. Can we please watch the movie now?”

  “Hell no!” she screams with delight. But then my buddy settles after I give her a look.

  “Fine,” Kristy pouts as she pulls up the rom-com on her laptop. “But anything we watch now is going to be so much less exciting than reality. Who would have guessed? You’re such a ho, girlfriend, and I’m so proud of you!”

  I grab another handful of gummy worms, giggling, and feel a load of tension melt from my shoulders. I’m so relieved that someone finally knows my secret. I trust Kristy; we’ve been best friends for a while now. It’s still a little nerve-wracking to confess something of this magnitude, but it also makes me feel a little better.

  The movie starts and I lean my head on my best friend’s sho
ulder, grateful for her presence. I just need to decide what to do next with the two gorgeous professors who currently await my answer.



  Teaching is no joke. I definitely went into this profession with the wrong attitude when I first started out. I wanted something that seemed “easy,” something that would allow me to focus more on women than on my studies. A few weeks in, I realized just how wrong I was. My workload piled up into an impossible-to-scale mountain, while my time to wine and dine dwindled to nothing. By then, though, I had become enamored with academia and realized how lucky I was to be pursuing it.

  And of course, I still somehow made time to date.

  Women still stay on my brain, though, even after a decade or so of teaching. I haven’t had time for many serious relationships though, and it’s part of the reason why Scott and I often end up pursuing threesomes. She gets two men, which means that Scott and I have more time to focus on our individual endeavors. Plus, every woman we have had the pleasure of meeting has been beautiful, intelligent, and witty. We have been very lucky.

  One, however, has been on my mind lately more than the rest.

  I take a break from grading papers at my desk and lean back in my chair to stretch. These papers are the first major assignment in Astro 1, and the wide range of quality proves it. Most of the students in this class are freshmen and sophomores, and I expect the sophomores, at least, to have some grasp on what they’re supposed to do. Some of them seem okay, but others are completely lost. Fortunately, at least three or four of the papers were of very high quality, and among that group is Violet Means’s.

  A smile curves my lips when I think of Violet. How could I have known when I first kissed her in the sauna that she’d reappear in my life the next day? I thought this was a one-and-done deal, a delicious encounter which I’d cherish for years to come. I was fine with it being nothing more than memories. But the next morning, I couldn’t stop thinking about her--the sway of her luscious hips, the bounce of her huge breasts, the innocent warmth in her brown eyes. Violet had captured my thoughts in a way that no woman had for a long time.

  Plus, when I saw her at the front of the classroom that morning, I thought she was a dream, an apparition conjured by my desperate neediness. But she was real, and I thank my lucky stars.

  Scott and I haven’t talked much about Violet, but I know she’s on his mind, too. I catch him staring at her sometimes during class and have to subtly elbow him in the ribs before anyone else notices. I wonder if I should feel jealous since we’re both consumed by the same woman. But something tells me that if Violet wants both of us, we can figure out how to be with her. We live in New York City, after all. There’s room for all sorts of unorthodox arrangements.

  A knock sounds at my door. “Come,” I command. It’s nearing the end of my office hours, so it could be a student looking for help on an assignment.

  The door creaks open to reveal Scott, his dark hair rumpled stylishly. “Hey, man,” I say, and gesture to a chair in the corner of the room. “What’s up?”

  “So yeah,” Scott says, plopping himself down in the chair. He passes a hand over his face and groans. “These papers are…”

  “Not great?” I suggest, and he laughs.

  “That’s a little more generous than what I was going to say.”

  “Hopefully this isn’t a reflection on our teaching skills,” I joke.

  Scott shakes his head. “Maybe we can blame it on their English professors.”

  “I’m not too worried,” I say, and mean it. “It’s the very beginning of the semester. These kids probably just slept and partied all summer, like we used to.”

  “Like we still do,” Scott corrects me.

  “Fair enough.”

  Scott rakes a hand through his hair. “Hey Mike,” he says. “Do you think that Violet is going to want to see us again?”

  “I’ve been wondering the same thing,” I say. “I sure as hell hope so.”

  “I do, too. But I understand if she doesn’t.”

  “Of course. It would make total sense. But it would be a shame if she didn’t.” I sigh. “Maybe if she transferred out of our class, that would help her make a decision? After all, then we wouldn’t have power over her grade.”

  “Yeah. That would probably speed things along.”

  “Well, it’s out of our hands. We just have to wait and see what she decides.”

  “It’s already been a few weeks, though. Maybe she can’t make up her mind.”

  I shrug. “Then we have to be patient. It’s completely up to her. That’s what we promised.”

  Scott sighs and slumps lower in his chair. “You’re right. You know that it’s hard for me to be patient, though.”

  I laugh and nod. “I know, bud. Me, too.”

  Scott cracks his knuckles loudly, and I roll my eyes at him. “Sorry,” he says, not sounding very sorry at all. He stands and mock-salutes before striding to the door. “Guess we’re heading back into battle. I’ll come get you a little later.”

  “I’ll be here,” I grunt in return.

  Scott is about to head back to his office when there’s another knock on the semi-open door.

  “Hello?” says a small voice softly. “Professors Kamp and Mason?”

  Scott goes stock still, as do I because Violet, wearing a little pink top and short black skirt, stands in the doorway, blushing furiously.

  “Sweetheart,” Scott breathes, and I immediately rise to my feet.

  “Come in, honey,” I say, opening the door wider to grant her entry. Scott steps aside and the curvy girl cautiously enters, glancing behind her as if nervous someone is going to see her. But the hallway is empty, and our office hours officially ended three minutes ago.

  “Did you need help with an assignment?” I ask, trying to stay professional and not get my hopes up. “You’ve been doing so well. I really enjoyed reading your first paper.”

  “Thank you,” Violet says, smiling. “I enjoyed writing it. I think this is the first science class I’ve actually liked.”

  “We’ll take all the credit for that,” Scott says, and we all laugh.

  “I actually wanted to talk about something else,” Violet says, biting her lip.

  Scott has her sit down in the chair he vacated. “Should we close the door?” he asks.

  She nods quietly, and he does.

  Violet takes a deep breath before letting it out slowly. I try not to get distracted by how beautiful she looks, her hair curling gently down her shoulders, her gorgeous eyes so big and innocent. I catch Scott’s eye and we share hungry smiles. God, I hope she gives us the answer we want.

  “It’s been a really hard couple of weeks,” Violet says finally, clasping her delicate hands. “I’ve wanted so badly to see both of you, but I just wasn’t sure what to do. I would run out of class as soon as it was over to avoid talking to either of you.”

  I nod.

  “We haven’t wanted to pressure you, either,” I say. “So don’t even worry about it.”

  “Oh yes, thanks,” she says. “I appreciate you being so considerate with me. It really means a lot.”

  “It’s the least we can do,” Scott says. “You’re in the driver’s seat with all of this, sweetheart.”

  We fall silent, watching her carefully, wondering what Violet is going to say next. Is she here to tell us she never wants to see us again?

  “Um,” Violet says finally, looking first at me, then at Scott. “If you both still want to be with me…” She takes a deep breath. “I want to be with you. I don’t know exactly what that means or what it will look like, but I want us to figure it out together. I don’t want to be without either of you anymore because these past few weeks have been really boring and empty.” She bows her head, and says, in a bashful whisper, “I hope that’s okay.”

  Okay?! I think, staring at her with wide eyes. That’s fucking incredible!

  But instead of saying anything, I rise from my desk chair and cross
to her. She meekly lets me take her small palms as I kneel before her and press my lips to the knuckles of the left hand, then the right. “Violet,” I whisper. “That’s what we want, too.”

  Her eyes are huge and bright as she looks up at me, her lips barely parted. “Really?” she breathes.

  Scott walks over and kisses the top of her head. “Really really,” he confirms.

  “Both of you?” Violet whispers.

  I exchange glances with Scott, who nods. “We both want to be with you in order to savor and enjoy our time together to the utmost,” I say. “We’ll figure it out as we go. Okay?”

  Violet takes in a shuddering breath, blinking rapidly, and then, hesitantly, she nods. “That would be amazing,” she says, her voice barely audible.

  I grin, bring my hands to either side of her face, and kiss her. Her lips are soft, plush, and taste of sweet candy. I can’t believe I’m so fortunate to have this woman in my life again for good times and hot loving.

  We both rise to our feet, still kissing; I feel Scott wrap his arms around her from behind as he gently caresses her throat, and then her chest. I pull away and Scott catches her chin in his hand before kissing her ravenously. Violet’s tender mouth issues a soft moan, and something stirs within me. Lust, for sure--that much is undeniable. But also something gentler, something deeper. Something more beautifully profound.

  As Scott and I kiss Violet, she moans breathily into our mouths, and suddenly I know. I need to have her now, and my friend’s eyes flash at me over her head. He’s on the same page.

  Gently but quickly, we undress her, and sit her back down in the chair. It flashes across my mind how crazy this all is because at the moment, we have a lush, nude undergraduate girl in my office, her folds parted and steaming, ready to service two men. But in this moment, I don’t care. I just want to be with Violet and as the waves grow louder in my head, all resistance falls. This is about Violet and about Violet only. We need the curvy girl, and she’s answered our call.