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Boss of My Panties Page 2

  Jesse agrees with me. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen an ass like that.” He grins. “Maybe if you bid high enough on a pair of panties, she’ll send you a full body pic. It never hurts to ask, boss.”

  The idea is tempting, but I’m not some perv who just buys used panties online.

  “I have a better idea.” A devilish smirk paints my face. Already, I’m thinking about all the things I’ll do to this girl. She’ll be in the palm of my hand, screaming my name and begging for it. I’ll have those huge tits of hers swinging as her ass claps against me. Oh yes, she’s bound to be mine – all mine – because what Bruce Lockhart wants, Bruce Lockhart gets.

  “You don’t mean…?” Jesse trails off, already guessing what’s going through my head. “I mean, I guess it fits with your recent acquisitions, but really? An online company that sells panties?”

  “That’s right.” I take a deep breath, trying to get my body under control. With my eyes burning with lust, I get up, energy coursing through my body. “I’m going to buy her little fledgling company myself.”

  “You mean, with your own money?” Jesse asks, his eyebrows rising up in surprise.

  “Yeah, I want this one all to myself. Because if she accepts, then that’ll mean a real meeting with this girl, and not just a picture.” My wheels are spinning. If the girl is into selling her thongs to make a quick buck, then she’s probably willing to sell more than just that. “Leave,” I growl at my assistant, wanting to be alone at this moment.

  Jesse walks out of the room, leaving his coffee behind. Clearly, he’s confused but knows better than to probe me about my idea just yet.

  I pace around my office, my mind cluttered with different thoughts of her. Oh, the positions I’ll put her in. Bent over my bed. Pinned against the wall. Spread eagle on my kitchen table while I eat her out. On the counter. In front of the fireplace. You name it, we’ll do it.

  It’s been a while since I’ve paid for a woman’s company. At forty-five, I’ve let my business come before my sex life. But not anymore. It’s about time I hire someone who will let me do all the dirty shit I crave, but that most women won’t allow. Given that this woman works in a questionable line of business, she must be open-minded and sex-positive. Perfect.

  I grin at the thought, my cock hardening to the point of near-explosion, its tip purple and oozing with pre-cum. I can’t wait to have her bending her over into a myriad of positions while cooing and mewling with need.

  Plus, she’ll get something out of it too because no girl ever leaves my bed unsatisfied. She’ll love it so much she’ll be begging for it, screaming my name at the top of her lungs until her voice gives out. And only then will I give her exactly what she wants.

  I’ll turn her into an addict for Bruce Lockhart.



  “Mom? What happened to all of the eggs?” I call out from the kitchen, but there’s no response. When I peek into the living room, my mom is passed out on the floor with the remainder of her vodka bottle seeping into the carpet, leaving behind yet another stain. Yeah, we’re never getting the security deposit back for this place. But that’s not my problem. Once I’ve gathered up enough money, I’m moving out and getting a place of my own, hopefully somewhere nice. Florida maybe. Who knows? Just as long as it doesn’t snow there.

  With a sigh, I pull my mom onto the couch and drape a blanket over her unconscious body. I shake my head and return to the kitchen, where I settle for some saltine crackers as my mid-afternoon snack.


  My computer sounds the second I cross the threshold into my room. It must be a message from a prospective customer. Excellent.

  I jump in front of my computer and crack my knuckles, getting ready to respond, but my eyes widen the second I see who sent the message: Bruce Lockhart? Isn’t that the super-rich billionaire CEO of Lockhart Industries? Even I’ve heard of him, even though I don’t follow mainstream news that much. Can it be the same person? I do a quick Google search.

  Holy shit.

  The man that pops up is sexy as hell. I mean, really, he’s breathtaking. Tall. Muscular. Dark hair gelled back and styled in a sosphicated manner. He’s the kind of guy you find on the cover of GQ with a sports coat draped over his shoulder while he’s giving you bedroom eyes. And boy, does this guy have amazing bedroom eyes! They’re electric blue with a devilish sparkle. I get lost in their depths within seconds, my heart beating so fast that I’m scared it’s going to explode.

  I fan my face, my cheeks becoming red.

  Breathe, Katie, breathe, I tell myself before I swoon over this stranger. Sure, he’s hot, but I shouldn’t let that affect how I run my business. He’s a paying customer, just like everyone else.

  Taking a deep breath, I switch tabs and click on his message.


  Let me start by introducing myself. I’m Bruce Lockhart, the head of Lockhart Industries. I recently stumbled upon your website and would be interested in discussing your business. Are you potentially seeking a buyer?

  Perhaps it would be best to meet in person, given the sensitive nature of your work. I’m based in Los Angeles. Would you be open to meeting here? Of course, I’ll take care of all expenses after your arrival.

  Can you make it next Tuesday?



  I blink, rereading the message over again before I suddenly snap into action. I jump out of my chair and run into the living room, screaming with excitement.

  My mother, who’s emerged from her stupor, is now laid out on the sofa, drinking beer and watching Jeopardy.


  She jumps, spilling some of her booze onto her blouse. “Damnit!”

  “Mom, forget about the beer! This is huge,” I exclaim, too excited to sit down. I circle around the coffee table, trying to get my thoughts into working order.

  “What on earth has gotten into you, Katie Kat?”

  “Mom! I’ve just been asked to meet with a financing company in Los Angeles!”

  She furrows her brow in confusion. “Financing company? What’s that?”

  I huff with excitement.

  “Long story short: they play with the stock market and make a ton of money and then use that money to buy out various entertainment companies around the country to make an even bigger profit. It’s sheer genius.”

  “I see.” She takes another sip of her beer, glancing at the TV screen from time to time.

  “Mom!” I scream. “This is no time for Jeopardy! Do you know what this means?” I don’t even let her answer. “I’m pretty sure that he wants to buy my panties business or something like that! It must be! Mom, I might just get rich from this!”

  At the word ‘rich,’ my mom hops up, and we start to jump up and down, screaming with excitement. Of course, Meredith is always on board as long as money is involved. She probably thinks that I’ll pay all of the bills and let her take it easy. Not that she’s taken much on herself, but at least then she can relax about the bills. And Meredith’s probably right. After all, when this is all said and done, I’ll have more than enough money to spare.

  With excitement coursing through my veins, I run back to my room to answer the message.

  Hi Mr. Lockhart,

  Thank you for your message. I can definitely make it on Tuesday! Please send me the details.

  Katie James

  I hit the ‘send’ button without even thinking. Only afterward do I curse my rashness. What kind of response was that? Thank you for your message? That sounds so robotic. I’m already getting off on the wrong foot with this guy. Shit. Not to mention the “I can definitely make it on Tuesday!” Why’d I have to end that with an exclamation point? It makes me look way too excited and juvenile. Damnit.

  Before I can fret about it for too long, there’s another ping!

  I jump, nearly falling out of my chair.

  It’s another message!

  Great. Please give me a call. (800) 897-7802

br />   I gulp. My palms are sweaty. Call? I haven’t made an actual phone call since middle school. Who still calls people, anyways? It’s the twenty-first century. Everyone does everything online.

  Apparently not Bruce Lockhart.

  Then again, it might be nice to hear his voice. I bet it’s sexy as hell, all husky and deep. Just thinking about it causes goosebumps to prickle along my skin. Mmm, to hear that voice whispering dirty things into my ear… Now, wouldn’t that be something?

  Katie, I chide myself. Don’t mix business with pleasure. Right, right. But trust me, it’s incredibly hard when you work with someone like Bruce Lockhart.

  I grab my phone, about to make the call when I stop. I don’t want to admit it, but I’m nervous. There are butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. I bite my bottom lip, trying to convince myself that it’s no big deal. It’s just a phone call.

  Taking a deep breath, I finally dial his number.

  Immediately, a woman answers the phone, “Lockhart Industries.”

  “Um, uh, I guess I’m calling to talk to the CEO. He messaged me about a meeting next Tuesday. I’m the owner of the website Panty Time.” I blush slightly. It feels weird saying that out loud.

  “Of course!” she chimes with a high-pitched voice. I can almost see the fake smile on her face. “Mr. Lockhart has been expecting your call. I’ll transfer you to his office. Do you mind giving me your name so that I can add it to my list?”

  “Oh, yeah, sure, uh, it’s Katie James.”

  “Got it. Have a nice day, Ms. James.”

  With that, I’m transferred over. Elevator music sounds through the line. I tap my pencil against my desk as I spin in my chair, nervously fidgeting. I have no idea what to expect from all of this.

  Suddenly, I hear a click.


  My heart skips a beat.

  The man’s voice is deep, and his demeanor is commanding, even through the phone. I haven’t even spoken one word to him yet, and I can tell he’s a total alpha. You know, the sort of guy who’s going to have your panties dropping at the snap of his fingers.

  What the hell?

  Is this real? Or the beginning of a really kinky dream? Because I honestly wouldn’t mind…

  “Hello, Miss James,” he growls into the receiver.

  “Um, hello,” I stammer. I breathe, trying to get myself under control. But not only that, I’m trying to cope with the fact that this guy already has my panties soaked, and I’m not even exaggerating. His voice is so intoxicating, and I can’t help it.

  “How are you?” he asks in a neutral tone.

  I swallow. Even that is smooth and seductive.

  “Um, good. How are you?” I answer, feeling dumb. “So, uh, you want something that I have then, Mr. Lockhart?”

  “Very much so.” For a moment, he hesitates – no, it’s more of a pause – like someone who’s sizing up a chessboard. He’s plotting his every move, figuring out the best way to get me cornered in order to press me into submission. Well, usually, I’m a bit too headstrong for that, but with this guy, I have a feeling I’d do just about anything. All he needs to do is say the word. “So, you’ll come to Los Angeles to meet with me on Tuesday? I’d like to discuss a few things.” It wasn’t a question – it was a demand.

  “Yes, sir,” I respond. Sir? I’ve never called anyone sir before. This man is already doing things to me that I can’t explain. “I’ll come to you.” I pause, suddenly feeling a surge of naughtiness spring to my lips. “I’m eager to see what you have to offer me.”

  He doesn’t even miss a beat.

  “I’m eager to meet you, Miss James.”

  My body heats up as it comes to the realization that this oh-so-sexy-sounding man seems interested in more than just my panty business. Still, with my cheeks burning and my pussy dripping, I do my best to keep my cool. “Ok. I’ll be there on Tuesday, then. Um, how long will I be staying?”

  There’s silence for a moment.

  “We’ll see about that after we meet. You’re not to worry about a thing. Just bring a small bag; there’s no reason to pack a lot of clothes. If we make more plans, I’ll see that you have everything you need.” There’s something suggestive in his words. Then again, maybe it’s just my imagination running wild at this point.

  As I try to come up with a response, I bite my lip, wondering what this man has in mind. But what does it matter? This is the best opportunity I’ve ever had, and I’ll be damned if I let it slip by me. Time to throw caution to the wind. “Ok,” I answer.

  I can almost hear him smile.

  “My assistant will send you an itinerary. It would be nice to have your private email for him to send that to, Miss James.” There he goes, saying my name again. Damn, how does he manage to make it sound so sexy? I can’t take it. “You’ll be a good girl and send that to us, won’t you?” I nearly lose it.

  “I will,” I purr, finding it a turn-on that he referred to me as a good girl.

  Could this powerful man really be thinking about me in a sexual way? And what the hell is going to happen if he’s as hot as he sounds? I can barely keep it together over the phone, let alone in person. Already, my hormones are going out of control.

  There’s no telling what will happen…

  A slew of dirty fantasies clogs my mind.

  “Goodbye, Miss James.”

  “Goodbye,” I whisper, letting the phone fall into my lap.

  Oh … my … god.

  I sit there in total disbelief.

  This can’t be real. It’s a dream. It has to be. I pinch myself. “Ouch!” Okay, maybe this isn’t a dream. I switch back to the tab where I originally googled Bruce Lockhart’s name. I stare at his photograph, practically drooling. Those electric blue eyes have me mesmerized. I bite my lip, imagining all of the things we could do together if only this were more than just business…

  Hell, I’d bend over his desk and take it from behind if it meant feeling him inside of me. I bet he’s huge. No. Massive. He’d rip me apart for sure, but I’d still love every second of it. Maybe I’d even beg for it – scream for it.

  Mmm, to feel him pounding into me, filling my every inch…

  Just thinking about it has me all hot and bothered. My panties are soaked, but I don’t think this is a pair I’d be willing to part with.

  Oh, this week better be a fast one because if it’s not, then I’m bound to lose my mind waiting to meet him in real life.



  The day has come at last.

  By the time I arrive at the office, she’ll be waiting for me.

  With this thought in mind, I slowly take my time getting ready in the morning. I roll out of bed and slip my feet into the designer slippers placed neatly by my bedside. I yawn and stretch for a few minutes before heading to the bathroom. There, I go through my morning routine, starting with a shower.

  I turn the water temperature as high as it will go before stepping inside. The hot water cascades down my body, pools at my feet, and then disappears down the drain. I stand there a moment as the steam billows all around me and fogs up the glass. Only then do I grab my body wash and squirt it onto a sponge, lathering my arms, then my legs, and finally my midsection. While I rinse off, I take my cock in hand and start to clean that too.

  I imagine what it would feel like to have Katie in this shower with me. She’d help wash my body, her small hands wrapped around my shaft, stroking it up and down with a sly smile. And it wouldn’t take long for me to lose all sense of control and slam her against the wall. She’d be helpless while I had my way with her.


  What a delicious thought.

  Of course, I’ve never even seen her face, so this is a little crazy, but that’s okay. I did a quick search of her name “Katie James” on Google, but it turned up too many hits. I guess having a common name is good and bad. Good because it’s hard for strangers to find you. Bad because it’s hard to create an on-line presence if you’re in fa
ct trying to sell something.

  But that’s neither here nor there. Katie will be here soon, and that’s what really matters. My cock throbs in my hand. I stroke it harder and let out a huge moan while imagining her luscious rump in my mind. So round, warm and bouncy, and … orgasm hits. Thick strings of come shoot out from the tip and onto the shower floor where they are promptly swept away by the warm water.

  I lean my head back and sigh in satisfaction, although I know that this sensation is nothing in comparison to what it must feel like to be inside her tight little pussy. One way or another, I plan on making her mine. After all, I always get what I want.

  Finally, I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. Still dripping wet, I walk back into my bedroom. There, I head for the walk-in closet, picking out my suit for the day. I decide on navy blue to match my eyes. Girls go crazy over my eyes, and I want Katie to turn to putty the second she sees me.

  I toss it on and finish adjusting my tie in front of the mirror. I grin. Maybe this tie will come in handy later. Come to think of it, ties are pretty versatile in that regard. They work great as a gag, and if you don’t have any rope on hand, a tie is a good substitute. That is, if you’re into that sort of thing.

  Which I definitely am.

  I instantly think of Katie all tied up on my bed, spread eagle, each limb connected to one of the four posters. Mmm, what a sight that would be. I’d have my fun with her all right. I’d drive her insane.

  Unable to wait any longer, I snatch my keys from my nightstand table and practically run down the stairs to the first floor. There, my footsteps echo against the marble floors, bouncing off of the high ceiling. In the kitchen, the cooks are making breakfast. There’s already an omelet waiting for me, so I scarf it down along with a strong cup of coffee.

  All I can think about is her.

  She must be waiting for me already.

  I wonder about her clothing. What will she be wearing? Something sweet and innocent like a good girl or something naughty like the bad girl I know she is? After all, her line of business is definitely risqué.